Lukas Lee Galantay
Born in 1989 in Switzerland, he started to work as a freelance photographer in 2007. From 2011 until 2014, he studied photography at ECAL in Lausanne and SVA in New York. Since 2015, he is working as a photographer and UAV instructor at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences. Working in the Institute of Architecture, he has specialised in architecture photography and filmmaking. From the beginning of his studies, he has grown great interest in the Moving image. In 2017 he took on a job, to conceive aerial footage for a documentary project called “London Stories” for the “Battersea Arts Center” (BAC) in London and since then he has been returning for work to the UK on a regular basis. In 2019 and early 2020, he obtained working experience in drama, commercial and documentary works for the BBC and iTV through local film production companies and currently studies Cinematography at MetFilmSchool in London.
Lukas Galantay lives and works in London and Lucerne, Switzerland.