THE WAY OUT – Behind the scenes
2020, 8:30 min
DIR/DOP: Lukas Galantay
SOUND/PROD Melissa Aston–Munslow
EDIT: Thea Jones
"The behind the scenes"
The director Suri Krishnamma, The Movi operators Craig Porter and James Davis give us insights about the technical difficulties the crew had to overcome, to make this project possible.
THE WAY OUT was Directed by Suri Krishnamma and produced by Battersea Arts Centre in partnership with Arts Council England and BBC Arts as part of the Performance Live strand.
The Behind the scenes was captured in January with 8 Miniature cameras, placed throughout the set and on people. The main camera was a portable steady cam rig.
Directed and shot by:
Lukas Galantay
Sound and production by
Melissa Aston–Munslow
Watch part I:
Plot of THE WAY OUT:
A surreal, theatrical adventure in which a young person escapes into a seemingly empty building at night and meets a mysterious guide who offers them an alternative way out.
Filmed in Battersea Arts Centre, in one continuous, unbroken shot, this is an immersive journey through a labyrinth of rooms and corridors, propelled by performances by extraordinary artists.
Omid Djalili leads the journey as the enigmatic Guide. The Young Person is played by Bláithín Mac Gabhann, and there are performances by some of the most exciting, diverse artists working in the UK today, including Lucy McCormick, Caleb Femi, Botis Seva, Le Gateau Chocolat, The Cocoa Butter Club, Sanah Ahsan and Too Hot For Candy.
Watch the entire performance on BBC I-Player
Read the review: